
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello family and friends! 

Your partnership with my work at Adventures in Missions is a blessing, not only to me, but to the lives we continue to impact around the world. Over the past few months, I have seen God working through our missionaries and ministry partners around the world as well as the team here in Georgia, and I’m excited to share what God has been doing! 

Over the past year, our team has continued to work diligently to figure out what it looks like to move forward, following God and the mission He has given us. Pioneering into a world with new realities for health and safety protocols, as well as travel and logistics to get World Race teams serving on the international mission field once again. 

On January 12th 2021, we launched I-Squad, comprised of five teams, who headed out to different parts of Guatemala!  And God is blessing all of the effort and uncertainty it took to do so! My teams have been able to share the gospel, pray for and see physical and emotional healing, come alongside and encourage the local body of believers and SO much more! 

(FYI. We were able to launch many other squads as well as my squad! We currently have 295 participants serving in 5 countries with the World Race programs. With nearly 50 of our long-term missionaries continuing to serve internationally with one of our bases or partners.)

As one of my Squad Leaders wrote, “The world might be on lockdown, but the Kingdom of God is not.” God is already showing up in miraculous ways! Check out her account of seeing a man be healed! 

“There is a [person who is a practicing] witch that lives in the neighborhood…Her husband has been bed-bound since a bad fall that seemed to cause poor circulation in his limbs. We were invited to pray over him. She woke him and he sat up on his bed, placing his feet on the ground. [We] came on either side of him and laid hands. I felt electricity zipping up and down my arms and had a distinct moment where it seemed like heat was being pulled out of his body and into my hands as I prayed. The Holy Spirit makes life fun. The rest of our team joined us to pray after we saw one of his four limbs improve. Our ministry host shared the gospel with him and we all filed out.
Two days later as we gathered up the kids in the neighborhood to do Vacation Bible School, our friend popped out of his gate right on time for us to see him beaming and walking around with a bounce in every step. He was completely better.” — Arianna, Squad Leader
Squad Ministry Blogs: 

  • Read more of Arianna’s story above here or here
  • Rachel and Paula share about hosting a women’s event here and their ministry in Guatemala here
  • While Abbey shares about some of their ministry to children and their families  here
  • And Jenn talking about how she learned what it meant to live the gospel from watching her host here

On February 20th, I flew out to meet with I-Squad for two weeks of training and debriefing. During the week of training we covered topics like: Holy Spirit, Hearing the Voice of God, Spiritual Gifts, Sharing the Gospel, World Religions, Power Evangelism, Power of Prayer, Spiritual Warfare and much more! This week was an awesome time of activation and personally seeking the Father together! 

A special night during training was dedicated for baptisms in the Holy Spirit. Two months ago I received a vision of us baptizing with the Holy Spirit while also baptizing in a tub of water. I began to pray for a tub so we could participate in the physical act of baptism as a representation of our decision to say ‘yes’ to more ‘death to self’ so that we could house more of His Spirit in our daily lives! And did God deliver! A bathtub was made available the day of! We then spent 7 hours baptizing all of our participants! We were able to take time to prophecy, pray over, and just hold them as they encountered the Lord in a new, fresh and powerful way! 

If you would like to read about a few people’s experience from that night check out Lindsey’s and Aaron’s encounters here and  here.

Debrief was equally amazing as we gave space to reflect on their time on the field, examine team dynamics and learn about their personal health and growth while serving on the field. 

Our debrief also included a beautiful foot washing time.

And a crazy cool hike up to an active volcano! 


As always, I would love to stay connected and pray for you during this time as you have been faithful to do for me.  I’d love to hear from you about what God is doing in your life and how I can partner with you in prayer. Feel free to give me a call or text at (678) 971-9051.

Prayers for Stephanie:

  • Pray for I-Squad to grow in their identity as heirs of the Kingdom of God so that they can be better equipped to bring the love and truth of Jesus to the ends of the earth!

  • Pray for my continued fundraising. That I can find more monthly supporters to partner alongside me in this ministry. 

  • Pray you and I can stay connected. It’s really encouraging for me to hear from you, and I would love to support you as well. Call or text to (678-971-9051. Also, here is my blog: