
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello Family & Friends! 

As all of you are aware, the year 2020 has been full of changes and surprises. Here at Adventures in Missions we have been embracing the unknown and flexible as I’m sure you and your families have as well! 

Gap Year Program Update:

As I mentioned in my last blog we have been able to be active domestically since COVID-19 stopped most of our international programs. Our GAP Year Program is normally an international 9 month program for 18-20 year olds starting in September. We were not able to launch them internationally but instead we invited them onto our campus in Gainesville, Georgia for a 4 month discipleship and training school before we launch them internationally hopefully in January. The program has been going SUPER well! After spending over one month of training on our campus, we were able to activate the participants by sending them to Louisiana to assist in the hurricane disaster relief headed by Samaritan’s Purse.  We have heard amazing stories not only of home restoration but also of soul restoration, as each team shares the gospel to the each family we get to serve. Many people have accepted Christ for the first time and Bibles handed to each family usually received with a few tears of thankfulness. The stories coming out of these past few weeks from GAP Year have been stirring and contagious. God is MOVING in America everybody. Don’t miss it! 


World Race October Training Camp:

In preparation for an international January 2021 launch, we hosted our October Training Camp like normal. However, it was anything but ‘normal’ to our Training Camps in the past. In order to adhere to the Georgia State COVID regulations, we had to make a LOT of adjustments. BUT all the adjustments and effort were worth it because we got to still engage and train up our next three squads to launch in January! Whatever it takes we will do it to still stay focused and move the gospel forward! 

I am proud to introduce you all to I-Squad. We are 30 people strong, spunky, fun, and full of the Spirit ready to do every good work reaching to the ends of the earth! 

Adventures in Missions Support:

As I mentioned in my last update, Adventures’ staff are all increasing our salaries fundraising amounts. By shifting structure to raising our own salaries, we will be able to cut overhead costs, making the organization leaner and meaner to continue Kingdom work! Over the last few months I have been working on increasing my financial support team. I am looking for partners who want to come alongside the ministry work I have been called to do. God has been so faithful and kind to me in this season of fundraising. Fundraising is humbling and tremendously growing my faith in Him. I am blown away by the body’s generosity and desire to  partner with me. As I share with others all that God is doing through Adventures in Missions, it grows my faith and assurance that this is where I am supposed to be. I LOVE focusing my life on the Great Commission and seeing people’s lives transformed by a loving and holy Father! Please consider partnership with me in this way.

Partner with Me!

As I say ‘yes’ to continue to serve God through working with Adventures in Missions, please ask the Lord in what ways you are to partner with me in this ministry! There are many ways to partner with me. 

Pray: Pray for the heart’s of the youth to be gripped by the Lord! That they experience His love in a way that propels them into a life of loving and serving Him. Pray that our presence abroad will be fruitful to speak the truth of who He is to all! 

Follow: Subscribe to my blog to receive updates from the field. Journey along with me as I follow God to many distant lands! 

Financial Monthly Partnership: Reap the heavenly treasures of the harvest with me as a financial monthly partner!

Monthly partnership allows me to focus on the task at hand instead of constantly needing to fundraise to keep my job. For the ‘harvest is plentiful but the workers are few’! Rather than ‘worrying about what I will eat, and what I will wear’, I get to rely on the Lord and see His Kingdom come! This is the biggest gift I could receive: to see others go farther and deeper with God! Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and financial partnership to make this possible!

I pray that you will also say your ‘yes’ to whatever partnership God lays on your heart! 

With Love, 
