
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello Family & Friends! 

Happy New Year! Haha I cannot believe we are already in February!! How did that happen so fast!??! This new year surely has flown by so far. I have stayed busy busy and excited to share all my updates with you! 

Finishing with I-SQD

I-Squad served in Jordan for their last month of ministry this past November. Jordan is a challenging country to witness in as they are a bit more ‘dedicated Muslim’ than many of their neighboring countries. Still however the Lord was gracious and I-SQD had many fruitful conversations with locals and planted many seeds. They also were able to partner with an organization that prints Bibles in Arabic and worked at their distribution center. They also worked at a non-profit cafe and made friendships and served the community. We were super blessed to be able to baptize a local who received the Lord as His Lord and Savior and disciple him unto the Lord! Praise God! 

                 (Sharing life and love with the people! )

Final Debrief in Amman, Jordan

Towards the end of November I headed out to meet I-Squad in Jordan for their final debrief! This was a really sweet time of celebrating all that God did through and within each of their lives. We prepared them to transition back into American culture as well as help them dream and receive vision from the Lord about their next steps. Our desire is that they continue to live life on mission and spread the Kingdom message of the gospel in whatever field they next step into!

(Top: Teaching a group of 30 in one room looks like this! ….. Bottom: Standing to speak at I-Squad’s Final Banquet Dinner!!!)

Life Changes on the World Race! 

  • Abbey describes her life change as being ‘ruined in the best way possible’  HERE

  • HERE Aaron shares how his life was changed by learning about the Holy Spirit 

  • Lindsey explains how she learned to live life differently on the World Race HERE




Yes, that is right. I have a new squad up and running!!! Wooohooo!  N-Squad came to Gainesville, Georgia for their first Training Camp at the end of October. 

(During Training Camp we aim to prepare the squad physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We have workout challenges and a fitness hike with their pack. We desire to see our squad physically healthy so that they will be able to go anywhere God calls them to go and not be bound by physical conditions.  We also enjoy teachings designed to grow us as individuals by reflecting and working through internal healing in any areas of brokenness in our past or current experiences. The racers learn very practical information about life on the race and in other countries. They learn about cultural sensitivities, feedback, community, how to share about Jesus cross culturally, and much more!)

We then brought N-SQD back to campus to finish their training before shipping them off to their first country: HONDURAS! N-SQD has been in Honduras for 5 weeks now, with 2 more to go. In Honduras they have been able to host vacation Bible schools with the youth, preach and lead worship in churches, build onto a local church and much more!

Check Out Some Blogs from N-SQD in Honduras!

  • Amanda shares about her ministry patterns and their mission in Honduras HERE

  • Lindsay highlights HERE the fun and laughter while working with children! <3

  • Alayna’s team is in the jungle of Honduras and shares about some of the manual labor projects her team is working on HERE

Up Next & Prayer Requests

  • In less than two weeks I head to El Salvador to meet N-Squad for their first ever debrief! I will stay out for two weeks and focus on training about how to live a Spirit lead life while on the mission field. Please pray for open hearts and for the Spirit to move in their hearts and minds. 

  • After training in El Salvador, the teams will head to their next ministry location in Nicaragua. Please pray for fruitful ministry and the gospel will be spread! 

Prayer for continued financial provision for myself. I have had multiple monthly donors need to stop their financial support. I will soon need to rebuild my monthly partnership team!