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Hello family and friends! 

I pray that each of you are healthy and joyous in the Lord! I have many many exciting updates to share with you from the last few months from the my Squad on the field! God has been doing amazing things out there!

Mid June I-Squad headed to TURKEY!!! We saw SO much fruit from our ministry time in Turkey. God is moving like fire in that country! Many people, especially the youth, are done with Islam and they are hungry for something more. They are hungry for Jesus!

We had a team working with college aged students who study English. They got to create relationships in order to hang out after class with them to share the gospel. They were able to share the gospel through their life stories many many times. They also got to see many healings as they offered to lay hands and pray for those who were unwell. 

Squad Blogs from Turkey:
-Check out Justin’s video about all their fruitful ministry while in Turkey!
-Paula shares about a time of deeply depending on God while in Istanbul HERE.

I was able to join the squad in Turkey for another DEBRIEF. At debrief we fellowship, receive further training and discipleship. We focused on learning some important apologetic materials as well as how to engage in spiritual warfare well. 

Squad Blogs from Turkey Debrief:
-Jacken shares about an activity we did at debrief and how he found further identity in Christ. HERE
-Paula shares two blogs from debrief worship in the park and about a time of silence that we did together as a squad.

Enjoy some pictures from Debrief as well!!! 
Squad Worship and Teaching times often gets crammed in small spaces. 😀
Enjoying a hike around the beautiful city with some of the squad members.
Worship and teaching at the park during debrief.

After Turkey, I-Squad headed to Georgia… not Atlanta Georgia where I live (though that would be fun!) but the country GEORGIA! Georgia is wild and travelers usually enjoy themselves trekking in the beautiful mountains. Teams were able to go trekking, meeting fellow travelers along the way. They were able to connect with and help local shepherds. They even a build a church in a small mountain village!!

After Georgia the squad headed to ARMENIA. Armenia is in great need due to their very recent conflict with Azerbaijan. Teams were able to do house visits and prayed for grieving family members. They volunteered at a special needs facility, shared the gospel to Iranians, put on a Vacation Bible School, and connected with students at English Club.

Overall, both countries had some amazing opportunities to share the gospel and serve the local people!

Squad Blogs from Georgia:
-Justin shares another awesome video about their time in Georgia.
– Alayna shares about ministering to people through prophetic art here!
-Mary shares of a cool ‘God provides moment’ during their time trekking in Georgia.

Squad Blogs from Armenia:
-Abbey shares many stories about their ministry in Armenia: intercession, vacation Bible School, English Club, and much more!
– Aaron shares about his team witnessing a family give their life to Christ and how God is moving in Armenia!

Again after two more months, I headed out early September to visit I-Squad for their 4th DEBRIEF of the year in KYRGYZSTAN!  At this debrief we focused on walking in beginning to process and reflect on all that God has done this year for us and through us. We started preparing the squad to transition off of the field. We started to dream with the Lord for what He had next for them to do after this World Race experience. Will it be living a missional life in the workforce in America? Or will it be overseas as long term missionaries? All year long we focus on training the participants to be actively living for God no matter where or what their ‘job’ is. We value the Christian who works at Starbucks as equally able to live a radical life for Christ as the long term missionary. It’s all about our pursual of Jesus as Lord of your life. Creating steadfast obedience to Him in everything we do is our aim and goal! 

Abbey shares a little bit about what a debrief is on her blog here.

Below are pictures from Debrief in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan!!! 
An activity I lead during debrief about reflecting and processing the year. 
Again… small spaces… but we worship nonetheless!!!
After debrief, I drove with the squad out to the desert to do what is called a 24/7 BURN. A 24/7 BURN is prayer and worship for 24 hours for 7 days! YUP! We were in a desert living in yurts, and having prayer and worship night and day for 7 full days!!!

How does one do that? We had one hour prayer time slots all throughout the night. During the day we had squad worship, studying of the Word (the Jews consider the study of Scripture the highest form of worship!), team devotions, and individual prayer slots all throughout the day! 

And why would someone do that? Because He is WORTHY! We focused on ‘ministering TO God’. All year long we have been ministering for God and focused on people as our outward ministry. We felt that the Lord was calling us to minister to Him. There is something powerful that happens when one truly worships God. Not just going through the motions of a Christian lifestyle. But worship Him with spirit and truth. There’s something powerful about spending time with Him through prayer and allowing yourself to slow down and sense His movement and presence on the Earth. It was a phenomenal week together with the Lord in the desert. Many of the racers said that that week in the desert has been the most important and impactful week of this whole year for them.

The racers said they learned how to actually pray, how to contend, how to seek after His face and not just His hand. To seek who God is and not just what He can do for you

Squad Blogs about The BURN:
-Josiah shares some prayers and experiences during the BURN week HERE
-Alayna gives a great recap in her blog Meeting God in the Desert

Our lovely yurt ‘homes’ for our 24/7 Prayer and Worship Week!
We had one yurt dedicated as the ‘prayer yurt’ we were just barely able to fit all 28 of us in at the same time. This is where we did our teachings and squad worship times as well as the individual prayer slots. 
We explore while doing a ‘prayer walk’ through the mountainous desert! I had never seen anything like it before! Such beauty in creation!



Thank you so much for your prayers and support throughout these past few years! I have witnessed God do incredible things in and through the World Racers that I get the honor to disciple. 

As always, I would love to stay connected and pray for you during this time as you have been faithful to do for me.  I’d love to hear from you about what God is doing in your life and how I can partner with you in prayer.  Feel free to give me a call or text at (678) 971-9051.

  • Prayer for I-Squad has they finish up their year. They are currently serving in Kyrgyzstan until late October. Then they will finish their last month in Joradn!
  • Prayer for my next upcoming Training Camp. I have my 2022 squad, N-Squad, arriving for Training Camp on Friday October 22nd. 

  • Prayer for continued financial provision. I have had multiple monthly donors need to stop their financial support. I will soon need to rebuild my monthly partnership team! 

  • Pray for Afghanistan and our partners as they continue to work for the safety and support of the persecuted church.
  • Pray for our partners and communities devastated by Hurricane Ida.
  • Pray for our long-term missionaries and partners who are continuing to be a light to their communities.
  • Pray for our leadership as we continue to move forward with the mission God has given us.